In the economy, there are always some problems, questions, tasks that need to be solved. Undoubtedly, many of them can be shelved, but it is better to solve them as they appear on the horizon, because the problem is not always as terrible as our imagination paints it. One such problematic issue is sealing a hole in the wall. How to prepare a solution for covering a hole, in what order should everything be done? – all these questions simply scare away from solving the task. But there is nothing to be afraid of. But you have to deal with everything in order.
How to fix a hole in a wall
A solution in order to close a hole in the wall does not need to be prepared at all. Nowadays, ready-made mixtures have been sold for a long time, with which you can simply and quickly fill the hole. Then how to choose a solution and how to cover up a hole in the wall? There is no special science in this either – you just need to know what material the wall is made of, what size the hole is approximately.
If the wall is concrete or brick, and the hole is small, you will need a brush, a screw, sandpaper, putty in a tube and a spatula to work. To begin with, it is worth cleaning the hole from the inside with a screw, then using a vacuum cleaner and a brush to remove dust from the hole. After the material is poured, tamp it with a spatula with leveling and pressing movements. After the putty has dried, irregularities can be leveled with sandpaper..
For large holes on such walls, to close a hole in the wall, as a rule, the mechanism is very similar. From materials, you can choose plaster, and cement, and gypsum mortar. After cleaning the hole, the area must be moistened with water with a sponge, wait for the wall to dry. Then, the area must be puttied. After drying, clean with sandpaper.
How to fix a hole in a wall
If the wall is made of drywall, you first need to trim the hole so that its edges are perfectly even. Lay a board behind the wall and fix it with screws along the contour of the opening, put drywall cut out in the shape of the hole on top. Glue fiberglass on top (capturing the outer area with screws). After the glue has dried, apply two layers of putty: sealing and control. Finish with sandpaper.
Frankly, the right mixture and the whole sequence of actions can now be found out from sellers in construction shops and stores, and as a bonus, there are also ways to avoid such inconveniences in the future, and therefore you should not put this problem on the back burner.